Essential Flourishing Centre & Healing Arts Hub
Aroma Wellness Journey in Your Wisdom Years - Exceptional Wellbeing

Mental Wellness & Wellbeing Oasis Uniquely For Your Journey

 A warm Welcome to the Essential Flourishing Center &
Healing Arts Hub

“Life is a journey
and it’s about growing and changing and coming to terms with who and what you are, and loving who and what you are.” 
– Kelly McGillis

For all of us this journey has seasons, seasons of pain and suffering, joy and utmost bliss, at times feeling stuck, unwanted, unappreciated, feeling like belonging nowhere and rejected, abused ... the list goes on, yet, whilst no one ever wishes to go through all the heard times, it is precisely where we grow, where we either become bitter or better. It is because of these times, not in spite of them, that we've become the person we are now.  

 “Not everyone will understand your journey.
That’s okay. You’re here to live your life, not to make everyone understand.” 
– Banksy

Hello, I'm Geli Heimann, BSc. MSc. Psych.

Greetings from the waters of life, and seafaring for seven decades. There were times when those waters were lifegiving, and there were times when the waters threaten to drown me, there were times I wanted to give up, and there were times when I courageously fought myself back up to the surface to grasp a surviving breath of air.   

It is because of these my own life lessons and what I learned, together with having had the privilege of working with the most wonderful clients over many decades accompanying them on their victorious paths and journeys, that I can reach out my hands to you to be your guide on your journey, walking next to you, so that you, too, can abundantly flourish. It is because of these experiences, and not just just because of my various psychology degrees and licensed accomplishments!
 “The only journey is the one within.” 
– Rainer Maria Rilke

   At The Essential Flourishing Center, we are committed to inspiring you to reach 
optimal wellbeing and vitality by expanding your experience of self-love, assisting you in connecting with your true self,
     believing in yourself, envision positive psychological and social functioning,
        live an extraordinary life, whilst making a difference for others, and leaving a legacy.

We practice a holistic model of integrative and somatic wellness with functional wellbeing arts, such as the use of pure therapeutic grade essential oils*, natural supplements*, and vibrational energy psychology.

        We integrate ancient natural wisdom holistically with the *Young Living® Essential Oils proprietary and modern cutting-edge innovative science. 

        We partner with Young Living® and its pioneering, industry leading standards to retain the highest level unadulterated plant power in all of their therapeutic essential oils and essential oils infused all-natural mental wellbeing and overall whole person wellness products. 

   Whilst every person is individually different and has different needs and  experiences on their unique flourishing path, over 30 years of excellence have resulted in showing that the Young Living
® products support vigor, happiness, stress resilience, mental performance, and whole-body wellness for a healthier and happier everyday.

   We believe that you were born to experience a joy-full life without the effects of a wounded past, to empower you to cultivate strengths, subjective wellbeing, goodness, generativity, growth, and resilience. 

   In our holistic psychology based work with clients, we integrate the Young Living® products to boost the results. 

We do not claim to be medical healers or medical professionals, as every person is naturally endowed with everything they need within themselves to feel better. We just simply assist and support in the client's own process.

   We aim to provide an inclusive compassionate safe space for our customers, clients and business partners that offers positive whole-person centred, not problem-centred wellness. 


“In my journey through the ever-changing seasons of life, I have learnt that winter is inevitably followed by a gorgeous spring and every spell of rain gives way to brilliant sunshine. What’s more, I have learnt that winter snow and drenching showers can be beautiful too. We just need the right eyes to look at them.”
― Mona Soorma

“When setting out on a journey do not seek advice from someone who never left home.” 
– Rumi


ID : 1186737

Aroma Wellness-Focused Lifestyle in Your Wisdom Years
Angelika (Geli) Heimann
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 7956463468

Copyrights © 2024 held by respective copyright holders, including Angelika (Geli) Heimann and Aroma Wellness in Your Wisdom Years