Your Aromatic Journey Starts Here

"They are little drops of God
in a bottle" 
                                                               ~ Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

What are essential oils? 🍀WHY YOU - WHY YOUNG LIVING - WHY NOW? 🍀 With this set you can get to know the world of essential oils in all areas of life. It is designed so that you can approach it slowly and convert your household and daily use to essential oils step by step.  What's particularly great is that the diffuser is practically free - a huge savings!  Many people have already experienced positive changes through this set. We hope you enjoy watching the video and discovering the ethereal lifestyle. 

Discover the Benefits of Our Starter Set

Our starter set is perfect for newcomers and experienced users alike. Whether you seek to enhance your wellness, beautify your home, or simply relax, this set has everything you need.

Versatile Essential Oils

This set includes 11 bottles: five single essential oils and six oil blends.

Single Essential Oils:

  1. Lemon Oil: The ultimate "Happy Day" oil! Its refreshing scent can elevate your mood and energize your senses. Remember to avoid direct sunlight after applying, as it can increase photosensitivity.
  2. Lavender Oil: One of the most popular essential oils, Lavender is known for its calming properties. It can promote a restful night's sleep and is great for skincare. Add a drop to your pillow or favorite cream for a relaxing experience.
  3. Peppermint Oil: Known for its invigorating and cooling effects, Peppermint is perfect for enhancing focus and clarity. Ideal for refreshing tired muscles, just add a drop to your hands and apply to your calves.
  4. Frankincense Oil: This all-rounder oil is revered for its balancing and rejuvenating properties. It can help ground you and maintain emotional equilibrium. Blend it with Lemon and Lavender for a comforting aroma.
  5. Copaiba Oil: Derived from the Amazonian Copaiba tree, this gentle oil offers a fine woody scent and is known for promoting mindfulness and tranquility.
Oil Blends for Every Need:

  1. Stress Away: This blend is perfect for finding inner peace and balance. With a warm, beachy aroma of vanilla and lime, it can even be used as a natural perfume by applying it to your wrists or behind your ears.
  2. RC: Ideal for promoting free breathing, especially during exercise or winter. The eucalyptus in this blend can provide a refreshing scent when added to a scarf or used in the sauna.
  3. Deep Relief: Designed for tired muscles, this blend offers a warming or cooling effect as needed. Mix with the V6 Carrier Oil and massage into your muscles for relief.
  4. DiGize: This blend contains kitchen herbs known for their comforting scents. Apply a few drops to your abdomen to enjoy its balanced aroma, reminiscent of vegetable soup or herbal liqueur.
  5. Thieves: Inspired by historical events, this blend combines spices known for their strong, invigorating scent, perfect for evoking the holiday season.
  6. Purification: This blend cleanses and refreshes the air, making it great for eliminating odors from cooking, bathrooms, or sports gear. Its invigorating scent can enhance any room.
Get Started Today

Our starter set is the perfect way to explore the benefits of essential oils. Enhance your well-being and environment with these versatile and aromatic solutions.

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  • Antioxidant Support: Rich in antioxidants which help neutralize free radicals and combat oxidative stress, promoting overall wellness.
  • Energy Boost: Provides a natural energy boost, which can be particularly beneficial for post-menopausal women who may experience fatigue.
  • Immune System Support: Contains essential nutrients that support the immune system.


  • Emotional Balance: Formulated to help relieve stress and promote emotional balance, which is crucial for mental health.
  • Relaxation: Helps in reducing feelings of anxiety and promoting relaxation.


  • Sleep Aid: Known for its calming properties, Lavender can improve sleep quality.
  • Skin Health: Promotes skin regeneration and can help with age-related skin issues.
  • Pain Relief: It can be used topically to relieve joint and muscle pain.


  • Digestive Health: Supports healthy digestion and can provide relief from digestive issues like bloating.
  • Cognitive Function: Its invigorating scent can enhance mental clarity and focus.
  • Pain and Inflammation: Can be used to relieve headaches, muscle and joint pain.


  • Detoxification: Supports liver function and detoxification processes.
  • Skin Health: Promotes a healthy complexion and can help with sunspots.
  • Mood Enhancer: Its refreshing scent can uplift mood and alleviate stress.


  • Cognitive Health: Supports healthy brain function and may help in preventing cognitive decline.
  • Joint Health: Its anti-inflammatory properties can provide relief from joint pain.
  • Emotional Well-being: Supports overall emotional health and helps in alleviating feelings of depression.

Young Living DI-GIZE®

  • Digestive Support: Specifically formulated to support digestive health, which is crucial for overall wellness.
  • Gut-Brain Axis: Helps in maintaining a healthy gut, which can positively impact mental health.


  • Air Quality: Improves indoor air quality, promoting respiratory health.
  • Skin Health: Can be used topically to improve skin issues like rashes or irritations.

Young Living THIEVES®

  • Immune Support: Known for its strong immune-boosting properties.
  • Respiratory Health: Supports respiratory health, which can be beneficial for combating seasonal illnesses.


  • Respiratory Support: Provides relief from respiratory issues and supports overall respiratory health.
  • Winter Wellness: Particularly useful during the colder months to maintain respiratory wellness.


  • Inflammation Relief: Known for its powerful anti-inflammatory properties, which can help with arthritis and joint pain.
  • Skin Health: Promotes healthy skin and reduces the appearance of blemishes.

Young Living BLUE RELIEF

  • Pain Relief: Provides soothing relief from muscle and joint pain.
  • Inflammation: Reduces inflammation and promotes overall joint health.


Young Living Essential Oils offers a holistic approach to addressing the physical, mental, and cognitive challenges faced by post-menopausal women. From improving joint health and enhancing mental clarity to boosting immune support and alleviating stress, these products can play a vital role in promoting overall wellness.



Benefits for Aging Women:
  • Joint Health: The high antioxidants content, including polysaccharides, helps reduce inflammation, supporting joint health and reducing pain associated with arthritis.
  • Vision Support: Contains Wolfberry which is rich in zeaxanthin, a carotenoid important for eye health that can help prevent age-related macular degeneration.
  • Cardiovascular Health: Promotes heart health by supporting healthy cholesterol levels and reducing oxidative stress.


Benefits for Aging Women:
  • Menopause Symptoms: Helps alleviate mood swings, anxiety, and irritability associated with menopause.
  • Cognitive Function: Reduces stress and anxiety that can negatively impact cognitive health, helping to maintain mental clarity.


Benefits for Aging Women:
  • Sleep Quality: Naturally supports a deeper and more restful sleep, which is crucial for overall health and cognitive function.
  • Bone Health: Through better sleep, Lavender indirectly supports bone health, since poor sleep is linked to lower bone mineral density.


Benefits for Aging Women:
  • Digestive Comfort: Can alleviate symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a common issue in older adults.
  • Energy and Alertness: The invigorating properties can boost energy levels and enhance alertness, countering age-related lethargy.
  • Pain Management: Effective in reducing headache and muscle pain, improving quality of life for those with chronic pain conditions.


Benefits for Aging Women:
  • Detoxification: Supports liver detoxification, which is essential for aging bodies to eliminate toxins efficiently.
  • Immune Support: Boosts the immune system, which becomes more critical as the body's natural defenses wane with age.
  • Mental Health: Its uplifting scent can help combat feelings of depression and enhance mental resilience.


Benefits for Aging Women:
  • Skin Aging: Supports cellular regeneration, aiding in the reduction of age spots and the improvement of skin elasticity.
  • Inflammation Reduction: Its anti-inflammatory properties can help manage chronic conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Cognitive Protection: May support memory function and help in preventing neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer's disease.


Benefits for Aging Women:
  • Digestive Health: Enhances digestion and can relieve common gastrointestinal issues like indigestion, bloating, and gas, improving nutrient absorption critical at an older age.
  • Gut-Brain Axis: Supports a healthy gut microbiome, which is linked to better mental health and cognitive function.


Benefits for Aging Women:
  • Respiratory Health: Purifies the air to reduce indoor pollutants and allergens, benefiting respiratory health which is often compromised with age.
  • Infection Prevention: Its antimicrobial properties help in preventing infections, thus supporting a stronger immune system.


Benefits for Aging Women:
  • Immune Strength: Strongly supports the immune system, helping to ward off common illnesses which can have more severe impacts on older adults.
  • Healthy Aging: Helps in maintaining overall health through its antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties.


Benefits for Aging Women:
  • Respiratory Support: Provides relief for age-related respiratory issues, such as COPD and asthma, helping to maintain optimum lung function.
  • Cold and Flu Prevention: Supports the body's defense against respiratory infections, which can be more dangerous in older adults.


Benefits for Aging Women:
  • Pain and Inflammation: Eases chronic pain linked to conditions like osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia, improving mobility and quality of life.
  • Skin Health: Enhances skin health by reducing the appearance of wrinkles and promoting wound healing.


Benefits for Aging Women:
  • Mental Clarity: Its relaxing properties can help in reducing cognitive fatigue and improving concentration.
  • Physical Discomfort: Specifically targets muscle and joint pain, promoting greater physical comfort and flexibility.


Supporting Wellness with Essential Oils for Post-Menopausal Women
As women transition through menopause, it is essential to focus on overall wellness. Young Living Essential Oils can play a supportive role in maintaining well-being during this time. Below is a selection of products designed to offer comfort and promote a sense of balance.
Essential Oils for Emotional Balance
  • Clary Sage: Known for its calming properties, Clary Sage essential oil can be beneficial for enhancing relaxation and promoting a sense of tranquility.
  • Lavender: This versatile oil is widely appreciated for its soothing aroma, which can help support a relaxing environment.
  • Frankincense: Often used during meditation and yoga practices, Frankincense can help create a grounding and uplifting atmosphere.
Essential Oils for Overall Well-Being
  • Peppermint: Its refreshing scent is invigorating and can promote a sense of alertness, making it a great addition to your daily routine.
  • Lemon: With a bright and uplifting aroma, Lemon essential oil is perfect for creating a cheerful and energized ambiance.
  • Eucalyptus Globulus: The invigorating and fresh aroma of Eucalyptus can help create an environment conducive to clarity and focus.
Blended Essentials for Comprehensive Support
  • Progessence Phyto Plus: A blend specifically crafted with women in mind, it provides a soothing, balancing aroma.
  • Dragon Time: This blend is designed to promote harmony and balance with its comforting scent.
Additional Young Living Products for Daily Wellness
  • NingXia Red: This nutrient-rich drink supports an active lifestyle with its blend of superfruits, providing a burst of natural goodness.
  • Life 9: A proprietary combination of beneficial bacteria to support gut health, which is an important component of overall well-being.
Incorporating Young Living Essential Oils into your daily routine can enhance your well-being, providing comfort and support as you navigate through post-menopause. Focus on creating a balanced and harmonious lifestyle with these natural aromatic solutions.


Your Mental Well-Being

Angelika (Geli) Heimann, and this website, is committed to offer a clear distinction between Mental Wellness/Wellbeing and Mental Health Disorders! 

Throughout this website and all connected social media accounts, please be aware that we strongly emphasize that Mental Wellness/ Mental Wellbeing is a holistic state of MENTAL/EMOTIONAL FLOURISHING that should not be equated to or confused with Mental Health Disorders.

If you or someone you know is grappling with any mental health challenges like depression, contemplations of self-harm, or beyond, reach out promptly to a qualified medical professional for immediate assistance. 

Your well-being is what matters most, and seeking support is a courageous step toward a brighter and healthier future.

The information presented here is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, prescribe or treat any health or psychotherapeutic condition and should not be used as a substitute for consulting with a professional health care provider. 


ID : 1186737

Aroma Wellness Later-Life Flourishing Lifestyle
Angelika (Geli) Heimann
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 7956463468

Copyrights © 2024 held by respective copyright holders, including Angelika (Geli) Heimann and Aroma Wellness in Your Wisdom Years