When Erica smiles, you see sun rays around her twinkling eyes. You do not see despair, or a victim mentality derived from harsh past circumstances, bitter from all that has happened in her life, the tears that streamed down her face ... No! She much rather radiates hope, busy bringing sunshine and a healing aura with her to lift others into a higher dimension.
Erica certainly embraces her inner Crone (the crowned one). She understands that the world around her needs the wisdom, comfort, and experience from a life well lived, together with a mastery of the sageness of maturity.
We need those enlightened guides, like Erica to bring us safely into the future. That is the role of the modern day Crone.
Now, when Erica first made contact with me, she had just turned 62 years, she had all these treasures inside of her, but she could not see it herself. Life with all the traumas and challenges, she often doubted the point to even live. She struggled to see her value. Once upon her time she considered herself beautiful and full of energy, but then she progressively found that she just started to drag herself along through whatever life remained. She felt invisible and no longer relevant in a fast paced youth obsessed society.

Erica a highly trained healing arts professional, certified in various healing modalities such as yoga, meditation, reiki, massage therapy, and more. She spent her life giving and giving, but somehow forgot about herself, to the point of neglect. She felt it was her duty to sacrifice her own wants and desires, putting others first. She felt that she needed to constantly work with little time for herself. This inevitably lead to burnout and a decrease in the quality of her work.
At that stage in her life, she was quite worried about her financial future, too. She was not able to retire due to lack of savings or investments, which caused a lot of stress and anxiety. Despite her years of experience and expertise, there were times when she felt undervalued in her profession.
Burnt out, but still a smile on her face, she came to me.
She heard that I was not a typical talking therapist, but that I honour my clients holistically with a spirit, soul and body approach, integrating wellness methods of the ancients with modern cutting-edge vibrational energy psychology plus the power of therapeutic grade essential oils.
Let's just say that Erica not only stayed in the mentorship with me, but she blossomed and flourished beyond recognition, unfolding her unmeasurable gifts. She has become one of my Soul-Client-Sisters, a true Soul-Sister for life. You will hear more about our conversations and how they may even help you unfold your unique dream to unreservedly be that legacy torch bearer, bringing hope for generations to come.
You see, there is one thing we tend to forget when we are younger, and that is that our passion for our calling and work that has become our life mission may never reduce, but our bodies do need to be honoured for the age and time we have been living in them.
Our mind may still race and be imaginative, full of zest as if we are age 35 or younger, but our bodies had to cope with a lot over the years, it's time to be gentle and respect them☺️.
For example, as a wellness professional in the healing arts, Erica's work involved a lot of physical activity, such as demonstrating exercises, assisting clients with their movements, or even just standing for long periods of time. Over time, this started to take a toll on her body, leading to physical exhaustion.
At her age, she found it increasingly difficult to keep up with these physical demands. There were those niggling moments of muscle fatigue, joint pain, and over all decreased stamina. She started to be really concerned that she no longer performed her job to the best of her ability.
Additionally, the physical exhaustion also impacted her personal life. She found that she had less energy for her grandchildren, hobbies, social activities, or even just daily tasks, resulting in a decrease in her overall quality of life.
We did a lot of wellness transition coaching together. I emphasized in guiding her through her personal and professional transformation, helping her navigate the challenges and opportunities in her life, as well as her career in the healing arts with a fresh perspective by pivoting and embracing diversification which opened up new revenue streams and growth opportunities, staying dynamic whilst honouring the age she can celebrate.
Do you know powerful women like Erica with a sweet disposition, who at this age, rather than drift into a life of bitterness and complain how unfair and futile it all is, much rather link arms with a mentor to soar higher than imagined? Maybe you are such am Erica yourself?