Home and Away

I feel like a bit of musing and would be curious about your notion of exploring the world, or your world.
Personally, I love travelling. I really enjoy getting to know different cultures.
Yes I know, I live in a multi divers, multi cultural world-city, London.
My neighbours are from various countries, and there are times I get to sample their special foods and traditions. However, it is not quite like spending some time in their indigenous countries.

Having lived in the Far East (Hong Kong) for many years and travelled around the surrounding countries, every place has its own specific 'feel', or energy, if you like.
It's not just that the air temperature is different, maybe dryer, such as I found in Egypt or Nevada, or very humid such as in the rainforest of Saba, Borneo where the moisture dripped on me as I explored the lush vegetation.
It's also the cultural, societal differences.
I recall sampling th
e delightful food and wines in Greek tavernas during long warm evenings, music playing somewhere and kids running around playing having a great time, whilst the adults debated whatever was important to them over jugs of wine ... all at a time usually kids are in bed in North European countries such as 11 pm or later.
I could go on and on. Personally I find experiencing different cultures and mingling in with them enriching in every way. It helps to expand one's perception of life and broadens one's thinking.
On the other hand .... I have been contemplating recently about the treasures so often around one's 'doorstep' so to speak.
I am the first one to hold up my hands and admit that I know more about distant countries than the country I grew up in, Germany, or currently live in, England UK.
Recently I have looked through picture of the most spectacular places in the the Lake District, Cornwall, Wales, Scotland ... or the villages and fascinating towns in Germany.
I am ready to explore locations on my "doorstep" ... cobbled streets of historical little towns nestled in ancient rural areas with charming small rivers, half timbered cottages with climbing roses gracing dreamy gardens.
There is so much I have not experienced on my own very doorstep. I am just wondering how much beauty, local culture and customs I have missed out, just by focusing almost exclusively on being a 'globe trotter' and ignoring the fabulous treasures within just a few hours of drive.
I'd love to read your thoughts on that please. 
Below, I am offering you some images with my Avatar for you to click on if you wish.
I'd like to invite you to dream and have fun, whether that is to inspire you to expand on your Sacred Spaces at home and cosy up with some Hygge company of great friends;
or explore your own neighbourhood and beyond for some secret treasures;
or indeed check if your passport is up to date and plan some far-flung escapes.
I am inviting you to join me on my own expeditions and jaunts ... especially also in London where I currently reside.
Geli x