May I invite you to join me with your favourite beverage, as I would like to share with you some more reminiscing .... ?

As you may have realised by now, I love sharing stories ...

So, I said a screaming 'Hello!' to this world in February 1953 in Hannover, Germany (... yes I know, I am 7 decades here on this planet!!). My father, Dr. Max Heimann, was a phytopathologist (plant diseases) doing his professorship habilitation at the university in Hannover.  He was one of those pioneers who worked on genetic engineering, and later discovered apoplexy in apricot trees. 

Much later, he worked with major world-wide known pesticide and herbicide companies, at times much to the dismay of my mother, especially when he infected her rose garden to test out some of the 'remedies' those companies were testing in the research lab.

My aristocratic mother was a licensed clinical pharmacist, one of those specialist dispensing apothecaries, who I witnessed many times to give advice to medical doctors.

Over the years, I experienced more and more pharmaceutical companies filling our home with products for her to recommend, together with various gifts. Some of those were fun for me as a kid to play with, such as puppets or sparkling drinks containers, and lots more.

However, my mother never lost the touch of creating medicines herself. So, we would frequently go for long hikes as a family to collect all sorts of botanicals. Then, back home, we would spread them on the large kitchen table, cut them up carefully to be used as she would direct. Some of the botanicals became tinctures or salves or balms, others became herbal tea infusions or tisanes.

One could say that I was predisposed to the field of healing and wellness. My father even chose my name, Angelika, from the Latin plant name 'angelica archangelica officinalis' which is a healing plant. 
Hearing those two daily converse around chemistry and botanicals, clearly left a mark on me.
(Oh, by the way, the grumpy kid on my mother's lap, yes, that was me ....)

So, yes, I was raised in a home of scientists, but it took me a long time to align myself with my own life purpose path. My parents were of the generation that wowed new developments in science. The overwhelm of pharmaceutical  products that regularly arrived at home did not impress me. I was always a free thinker wild soul, or maybe an old soul incarnate, intrigued by earth magick, growing witchy medicine, and the metaphysical realm. However, science itself was also always close to my heart ... afterall, my second home was 
Göttingen, Germany, my grandmother's place. It was also the town where my mother, at the time, frequented with scientists such as Otto Hahn, Max Planck, etc., and the conversation certainly touched on quantum mechanics.

As a teenager I developed a strong interest in the field of psychology, but for reasons known best to my parents, they would not let me study psychology, and pushed me into English Literature at university in Germany. Meanwhile the English language has become my second mother tongue. Then, whilst living in Hong Kong, I took up theology which then led me to become an ordained minister ... my spiritual pathway.

The next step was returning to university now living in London. The kids had grown, I was 50 and ready to do two degrees in psychology, both science degrees, one of which was a masters (I might do my PhD, yet, who knows). I chose not to do my masters in clinical psychology as I much rather not support the psychopharmaceutic industry. Suffice it to say, I experienced enough of the powers of Big Pharma in my parental home!

During my time at the University of Westminster in London, I decided to link psychology with the study on therapeutic properties and uses of essential oils. It was here that I discovered that even the most expensive brands did not produce essential oils that actually truthfully resembled the smell of the original plant. (God knows what else did not truthfully resemble the quality of a 100 percent pure, therapeutic grade oil).

I was/am clear on using essential oils throughout all my psychological and mental wellbeing support with my clients. I was/am clear on the fact that traditional psychotherapeutic  talk therapy was not enough to break through trauma barriers. Memory is held on a whole body cellular level, not just in brain circuits and the subconscious. Traditional psychotherapeutic talk therapy can run the risk of re-traumatising clients, by creating fresh neurological pathways reinforcing the old. I personally prefer the holistic whole person wellness approach with Neuro Linguistic Programming, Matrix Reimprinting using EFT tapping, Positive Psychology, Chakra Balancing, plus exploring the Quantum Field and Akashic Records.

It was only when I was introduced to really pure and authentic essential oils that I was satisfied to be willing to use those oils on my own family and my clients. Not only do they triumph in their organic bio-chemical purity and top therapeutic grade, but they are so fine in their molecular structure that they are able to permeate the so-called 'blood-brain-barrier' to give the necessary support needed.

If that was not good enough, those oils and especially their carefully crafted blends, grouping selected oil essences for specific benefits, have been tested for their energetic vibrational quality. For those of you who are knowledgeable about energy medicine and energy psychology, this is very good news indeed!
Apart from using the oils as a powerful support adjunct tool in my private psychology practice, I use them daily at home and when I travel. My grandchildren were raised on them from birth, and I happily use them with my little dogs when necessary. Plus, because of the alive vibration energetics of the oils, I also enjoy them as part of the more esoteric alternative health modalities.
To me, the oils of this company really resonates with my standards and values!

If you are interested in purchasing those oils yourself, please email me:


Your Mental Well-Being

Angelika (Geli) Heimann, and this website, is committed to offer a clear distinction between Mental Wellness/Wellbeing and Mental Health Disorders! 

Throughout this website and all connected social media accounts, please be aware that we strongly emphasize that Mental Wellness/ Mental Wellbeing is a holistic state of MENTAL/EMOTIONAL FLOURISHING that should not be equated to or confused with Mental Health Disorders.

If you or someone you know is grappling with any mental health challenges like depression, contemplations of self-harm, or beyond, reach out promptly to a qualified medical professional for immediate assistance. 

Your well-being is what matters most, and seeking support is a courageous step toward a brighter and healthier future.

The information presented here is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, prescribe or treat any health or psychotherapeutic condition and should not be used as a substitute for consulting with a professional health care provider. 


ID : 1186737

Aroma Wellness Later-Life Flourishing Lifestyle
Angelika (Geli) Heimann
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 7956463468

Copyrights © 2024 held by respective copyright holders, including Angelika (Geli) Heimann and Aroma Wellness in Your Wisdom Years