Welcome to the
*** START HERE ***

This is your *index*, navigation, content page for this website.

This website is crammed full of various different topics and it can be a right nightmare to find what you wish to read or see. This is why I created a 'way-finder' for you here.

Once upon a time there were 6 (7) uniquely separate websites for each topic. But then an Internet disaster happened with the then hosting company, and I lost all of them. Since then I have been scrambling to salvage whatever I could. I found this incredibly amazing platform with super helpful IT people, and bit by bit everything is finding a home here, again. 

So, now there are 2 websites:

Essential Flourishing which is predominantly of a therapeutic coaching nature, especially for those who are trauma and sexual abuse survivors.

The other one is this one here, which is wellness lifestyle oriented, as well as containing home-based business tips in the network marketing field.

Whilst this was not an easy undertaking to collect everything into one website, plus I am expanding into a membership area as well, plus creating courses and programs, the only way out was to make things as clear and easy to be found by you as possible, hence this ***START HERE*** page, which serves as an navigation contents/index page.

Each of the previous websites is represented by a 'PAGE' which can be found on the NAVIGATION BAR above, and also here below, as well as the corresponding COLOUR CODED BLOG POSTS/ARTICLES.

As you can see below, all of the bog posts/ articles are colour coded according to the topics, Like in a book index, you can click on either the colour square button or the link in the appropriate description to take you to all of the blog posts in that category.

Let's Start with the 'Pages'