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If You could, what Sage Advice and Wisdom Would You Give Your Younger Self
... now 40 Years later?
Is life a Magic Roundabout,
turning in a Circle of Happenings we are Taken Along on,
seemingly the Same, just Different Scenery? ....
What if we Awaken to its Illusion and Consciously Create Our Own Magic?

Welcome to the
🌼 Start Here 🌼
Section of this Website!

The above picture of me and my then two year old little daughter and my six year old son was taken 40 year ago as of this writing. As a family we lived for many, many years in Hong Kong.
What have I learnt since then? What am I still learning? What is the Trajectory of Life I am moving on?
More importantly, what is my gift to YOU as a result of the second chance I was given after my life transitioned beyond the veil, and I experienced a life-changing Near Death Experience?


“Most people’s minds are almost always too busy for them to feel their skins being caressed by the wind or the sun.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Hey, Stop! Unwind! Slow Down! Scale Back from the Overwhelm! ....

Simplify Your Life!

I could have been called a complex knowledge / learning / more-and-more-courses / degrees / certificates hoarder, never feeling enough that I could survive another economic down turn, let alone old age. I felt I was always behind and catching up with what I wanted to achieve in spiraling out of control overwhelm.

My biggest worry and fear was about the lack of financial security at my age. As a wholistic healing-arts practitioner with two psychology degrees, naturopathic certificate, etc., in private practice with no real pension to speak of, I was 'eaten' by fear of the risk of outliving any available funds and money.

I was chasing after the next shiny course or program or certificate promising hope that this would finally give me the security to allow myself to relax and enjoy life.

..... and then it happened
I was emergency blue-lighted into the A&E after the first heart attack, and a few hours later died with a cardiac arrest .... I was finally at peace!

I was floating in unspeakably calm and loving bliss towards warm welcoming golden light. I felt free, unburdened, wrapped in unconditional love and eternal beauty with a sense of joy that knows no bounds. I sensed a glorious oneness with all that was in me, around me, with me. Fear was non existent in that realm ... Frankly, there are no words  to describe the experience ...

So, you are reading this, as I was resuscitated, and brought back into this existence here. Clearly my time to remain in the realm of glory beyond the veil was not yet .... but why?

I've been given the opportunity to really learn to trust inner guidance from the Beyond and create a life that is true to myself, living in harmony and alignment with my higher essence and values.

I have been given the opportunity to learn about simplifying my life (which is an ongoing continuous process of re-evaluating and refinement). 

It's not about doing less, it's about doing more of what matters most; it's not about reducing the amount of things we do or have, but about focusing what truly holds value and is important to us; it's about being a curator of our life, learning to let go of fear and simply embracing harmony and love, setting clear boundaries, knowing that we are guided and protected at all times ... if we are open to listen.


There are only two energies at the core of the human experience: 
love and fear. 
Love grants freedom, fear takes it away. 
Love invites full expression, fear punishes it. 
Love invites you, always, to break the bonds of ignorance.
~ Neale Donald Walsch

Throughout this website, this is my message. 
It does not matter if we wish to increase our financial independence
by adding another stream of income,
looking after ourselves with high quality food and food supplements,
enriching our lives with a community of likeminded friends,
or enhancing our journey with personal development,
if we are fear and ego driven regarding what we may loose and how bad our circumstances are,
we will be in for a hard and disappointing time.
If however we choose to be divinely and soul led to live consciously
with the good in mind for all,
especially including ourselves,
we can learn to experience heaven on earth .... just a thought!


.... and, some more food for thought

This website is Age-Positive
and Age-Celebrating!

Identifying Ageism and Empowering Women

Many of you identify as being part of the Boomer generation. 

Society often places a high value on youth and beauty, leading to ageism. This cultural obsession with staying young can make women feel pressured to distance themselves from anything that signifies old age. In a society that often sidelines older adults, especially women, there can be a fear of becoming invisible or irrelevant.

Reframing Aging: Becoming an Elder

As you will see in my various writings, I like to play with archetypes to empower women of a certain age to give themselves a different perspective. Instead of viewing yourself as eventually becoming 'elderly', consider embracing the archetype of the Elder.

The Elder is a respected figure in many cultures, symbolizing leadership, wisdom, and experience. Elders often guide their communities and preserve cultural traditions and knowledge. Here are some key characteristics:

  • Wisdom and Experience: Elders possess a wealth of knowledge acquired over a lifetime.
  • Community Leadership: They often play pivotal roles in decision-making and guiding younger generations.
  • Respect and Reverence: Elders are highly respected figures within their communities.
  • Mentorship: They mentor and support others, sharing their life lessons and experiences.

Desires as We Age: A Deeper Understanding

Let's delve deeper into what many of us desire as we get older, as illustrated in the accompanying diagram.
Whilst the diagram captures essential elements like physical wellness, mental wellness, cognitive fitness, and financial autonomy — foundations that support travel, hobbies, social connections, relationships, and community (all of which is available on this website as inspirations and tips) — there’s a deeper aspect to consider.

Living the Life You Want

One of the main reasons people struggle with aging is the feeling that they aren't living the life they desire. When you are truly living the life you want, you are present and engaged in activities that give you a sense of aliveness. You are too busy enjoying your life to worry about each passing year.

At some point in midlife, we need to identify less with the outer world and more with our consciousness, soul, and inner essence that animates it.

We need to move out of the sphere of being constantly achievement driven, into the sphere of enjoyment, appreciation, and relaxing into the wonder of it all, where we follow our heart and choose what deeply matters to us.

Moving from an ego-driven life to a soul-led life. A life that is radiating from the inside, our Beingness our Soul Essence, that will inform everything else on the diagram representing what we desire.

Getting to Know This Website

Our website features four main areas, each one is a unique standalone but interrelated *Mini-Website", much like a colour-coded book collection box set. 😊 Each "Mini-Website" boasts its own distinctive blog.

The **Sage Living Lifestyle** section focuses on self-care and self-love during the wisdom years. Explore topics like:

- Travel and local trips
- Creating a rejuvenating sacred home sanctuary
- Maintaining peace and tranquility
- Quick tips for stress and anxiety relief
- Health and wellness enhancement
- Spiritual growth
- Overall wellbeing improvement

**Geli's Kitchen** covers the role of food in wellness, especially in later years. Discover recipes that focus on:

- Gut-brain axis for mental wellness
- Nutrient-dense foods for brain fitness
- Heart and vital organ support
- Healthy dishes inspired by traditional family and international recipes
- Plus a bit of food & restaurant blogging thrown into it

The **Home Biz Academy** section guides you on creating additional income through wellness-supporting products. Highlights include:

- Supplementing income with like-minded wellness entrepreneurs
- Minimizing loneliness through community support
- Personal development and teamwork
- Sharing knowledge, resources, and purpose
- Affiliate and network marketing opportunities

A 30-year-old family-owned global private company with family values and tried-and-tested natural products, ideal for our advancing years, is the basis of this home business.

Finally, the Journey of Intimacy

The **Journey of Intimacy** area is dedicated to senior couples exploring gentle, honouring shame-free intimate romantic sexuality using Tao-Tantric practices, a very inclusive space, celebrating and empowering perfectly imperfect bodies.


Approach and Offerings

Our orientation is grounded in **Positive Psychology** and holistic **Energy Psychology** with NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), Aroma Emotional Freedom Technique (Aroma EFT Tapping), and other holistic and naturopathic healing arts.

- EFT is a clinically proven mind-body modality focused on energy healing, metaphysics, and spirituality rather than traditional “Clinical Psychology” talk therapy.
- Essential Oils education, inspired by Geli's family botanical science and pharmacy lineage.
- Serving with  The Raindrop Technique®  with Vitaflex, using pure, vibrationally alive essential oils.

Geli also offers:

- Personal coaching
- Coaching programs
- Master classes
- Mastermind groups
- Community memberships on various subjects


 In addition, there is therapeutic coaching available,
especially for trauma and sexual abuse survivors


Sage Living Lifestyle
Deep Cherry Red

Food & Drink (Geli's Kitchen)
Summery Turquoise Green


Aroma Home Business Tips and Training (Home Biz Academy)
Aroma Violet

Tao-Tantric Tips for the Platinum Couple (Journey Of Intimacy)
Luscious Sensuous Pink



ID : 1186737

Aroma Wellness in Your Wisdom Years - Simplify & Elevate Your Magical Everyday
Angelika (Geli) Heimann
London, N/A N/A
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 7956463468
Email: intouch@GeliHeimann.com

Copyrights © 2024 held by respective copyright holders, including Aroma Wellness in Your Wisdom Years - Simplify & Elevate Your Magical Everyday.