Hi! I'm Geli, unapologetically a nature girl!
Born and raised by 'non-existent' natural scientist parents (they were married to science and somehow happened to have a little girl ...), I explored my world on my own, vineyards, fields, the River Rhine, close-by farms, with just animals as my friends.
Schools and Universities made sure that I finally socialised LOL. Having said that, I never lost my love for anything nature, herbs and healing, and my passion to help other humans on their wellness path in the most natural way.
My first brush with Network Marketing was when I lived in Hong Kong in the late 70's-80's. I was fascinated about the concept, but there was no real need to learn about the business, as I was a relatively cushy expat from the UK.
After several attempts with various MLMs since then, I gave up, and vowed never to get involved with another business again, ever! .... well, until I came across Young Living. I had already dipped my nose into the aromatics that come in little bottles, even at university I combined some of my psychology degree studies with the healing properties of essential oils. Thus, when I finally came across Young Living in 2010, I was blown away by the purity and effectiveness of those little drops. It was clear to me to recommend and use the Young Living oils in my private psychology practice with my clients.
I still was not yet convinced about the MLM side of the company, and decided to do some thorough due diligence search on the company, ignoring sensationalist anti-MLMers, and all the other hype nonsense proliferating the Internet. I finally came to the conclusion that I most certainly could trust that company, after all, I had already chosen their products as the only ones good enough for my clients!
There was one little problem, though. My lovely Network Marketing team leader lives in the US, mainly familiar with the US market, and I live in the UK, London, with many products not available here due to ridiculous European stringent legal requirements for the complimentary wellness industry. Plus, for some reason, I found it hard to grow the business here in the UK .... until I found my Austrian cross-line mentors, Vijay and Ulrike (Ulli) Churfürst Hanzal, who were the first to reach the ultimate Young Living top rank of Royal Crown Diamonds in Europe.
They had struggled through the various minefields, equally with no experience in this particular industry, but they trailblazed their heart-centered business step by step. Over the years they have acquired incredible knowledge that they now pass on to others, and mentoring people like me.
Whilst I stayed faithful to my American team leaders, I can now very closely lean on my European mentors, using their strategic and heartfelt approach to help other partners in my team.
From now on, I am your contact for everything relating to essential oils and Young Living and will accompany you on your oily path. ♥
What you need to know is the following:
My member number is: 1186737
use my name: Angelika Heimann in BOTH fields, Enroller and Sponsor
That's it, the rest should be very clear.