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The GeliHeimann.com, The Reimagining A Flourishing and Profitable New Retirement WEBSITE (hereinafter WEBSITE or the SITE) is a private entity. The WEBSITE is the private electronic exchange of ideas and concepts between the providers and the recipients. The content is NOT meant as MEDICAL ADVISE OF ANY NATURE. YOU are to follow up with an Educated Medical Professional of your choice for all your medical needs.

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Medical Advice


GeliHeimann.com, Reimagining A Flourishing and Profitable New Retirement and A. R. (“Geli”) Heimann provide the Site and its contents ‘as seen’ and makes no representations or warranties, either express or implied, of any kind with respect to the Site, its operation, content, information, or materials. In addition, GeliHeimann.com, Reimagining A Flourishing and Profitable New Retirement and A. R. (“Geli”) Heimann do not warrant that the information accessible via this Site is accurate, complete or current.
GeliHeimann.com, Reimagining A Flourishing and Profitable New Retirement and A. R. (“Geli”) Heimann disclaim all warranties, express or implied, of any kind with respect to the Site or its use, including but not limited to satisfactory quality and fitness for a particular purpose. You agree that GeliHeimann.com, Reimagining A Flourishing and Profitable New Retirement and A. R. (“Geli”) Heimann shall not be liable for damages arising from the operation, content or use of the Site. You agree that this limitation of liability is comprehensive and applies to all damages of any kind, including without limitation, direct, indirect, compensatory, special, incidental, punitive and consequential.

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This web site content is provided without any warranty. GeliHeimann.com, Reimagining A Flourishing and Profitable New Retirement and A. R. (“Geli”) Heimann have made every effort to offer the most current, correct information as is possible, however, inadvertent errors can occur. Changes are made periodically to this web site, and may be made at any time without notice.

Because the practice of medicine is regulated and protected by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the American Medical Association (AMA), no medical claims pertaining to the effect, success or impact of Essential Oils, Crystals, 'Energy Medicine', 'Energy Psychology', such as EFT Tapping, and/or any other wellness modalities, can be made by anyone…not even by a licensed physician or licensed clinical psychologist. The difference between practising medicine and practising health is a matter of language. To practice medicine requires a license…To promote good health does not. Therefore, I do not diagnose, prescribe or offer treatment for disease. GeliHeimann.com, 
Reimagining A Flourishing and Profitable New Retirement and A. R. (“Geli”) Heimann do offer health and wellness information to educate the visitors to our site how to rely on themselves to build better health.

GeliHeimann.com, Reimagining A Flourishing and Profitable New Retirement and A. R. (“Geli”) Heimann make no guarantees of any kind about the safety, performance or effectiveness of any of the techniques, preparations, products or procedures mentioned on this website. The information on this website reflects A. R. (“Geli”) Heimann’s personal experience, and is not intended and should not be relied upon as a substitute for medical diagnosis, advice or treatment. Where essential oils are mentioned, it is recommended that you use only pure, unadulterated, therapeutic-grade essential oils, and follow the safety directions of the manufacturer. Seek medical advice before applying essential oils, or immediately if you suffer any symptoms following use. 

GeliHeimann.com, Reimagining A Flourishing and Profitable New Retirement and A. R. (“Geli”) Heimann will not be held liable for your use of essential oils – you use them at your own risk. 

A. R. (“Geli”) Heimann is an independent business owner and affiliate with various organisations and may receive a commission on orders.

Under the scope of my CCA clinical training & ethical professional practices, GeliHeimann.com, Reimagining A Flourishing and Profitable New Retirement and A. R. (“Geli”) Heimann are not permitted to diagnose, prescribe, or make medical claims. For medical issues, always obtain an accurate diagnosis from your licensed medical practitioner.

By providing this web site, GeliHeimann.com, Reimagining A Flourishing and Profitable New Retirement and A. R. (“Geli”) Heimann shall not be held liable, for the content or information posted on this site. Links to other web sites contained herein are provided solely as a convenience to our users, and do not constitute endorsement or approval of these linked web sites or the organizations that provide them, unless otherwise noted.

GeliHeimann.com, Reimagining A Flourishing and Profitable New Retirement and A. R. (“Geli”) Heimann do not make any representations, warranties, or commitments with regard to any data or information supplied on this web site, through a linked site, or posted on this site by users. If you rely on any data or information, you do so at your own risk.

GeliHeimann.com, Reimagining A Flourishing and Profitable New Retirement and A. R. (“Geli”) Heimann shall not be held liable to any party for any damages resulting from the use of this web site or any linked web site.


Your Mental Well-Being

Angelika (Geli) Heimann, and this website GeliHeimann.com, is committed to offer a clear distinction between Mental Wellness/Wellbeing and Mental Health Disorders! 

Throughout this website and all connected social media accounts, please be aware that we strongly emphasize that Mental Wellness/ Mental Wellbeing is a holistic state of MENTAL/EMOTIONAL FLOURISHING that should not be equated to or confused with Mental Health Disorders.

If you or someone you know is grappling with any mental health challenges like depression, contemplations of self-harm, or beyond, reach out promptly to a qualified medical professional for immediate assistance. 

Your well-being is what matters most, and seeking support is a courageous step toward a brighter and healthier future.

The information presented here is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, prescribe or treat any health or psychotherapeutic condition and should not be used as a substitute for consulting with a professional health care provider. 


ID : 1186737

Aroma Wellness Later-Life Flourishing Lifestyle
Angelika (Geli) Heimann
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 7956463468
Email: intouch@GeliHeimann.com

Copyrights © 2024 held by respective copyright holders, including Angelika (Geli) Heimann and Aroma Wellness in Your Wisdom Years