Come into our Dream-Weaver Team 
  and live the life you've been secretly dreaming of.....

Welcome to the 
Dream-Weavers Biz Partners

We founded the


to give 'The New-Retirement' Lifestyle Entrepreneurs, Coaches & Post-Career Mentors, Later-Life Consultants, Therapists, Self-employed Transformational Leaders, Trainers, Healers, Conscious Experts, Spiritual Teachers, Change-Agents,

             and anyone else in their 'Wisdom-Years' looking for a new opportunity to develop their  highest level of the *MAGNIFICENT YOU* in their personal growth,

as well as the opportunity to create Multiple-Streams of Income to supplement their New-Retirement lifestyle in health, wellness, and purpose.


We love essential oils, the lifestyle associated with them and, above all, the incredibly great concept of network marketing, because it enables us to support others in becoming successful and leading a free life ourselves.


“Together, we all play a role in being change agents to make our world better.”


Please note: “Most Brand Partners only earn modest supplemental income. A Brand Partner’s income and earnings will depend on their individual diligence, work effort and market conditions. Young Living does not guarantee any earnings, income, or rank success”.

"To heal is to touch with love that which we previously touched with fear" 
~Stephen Levin

Geli's Story

Building a Sisterhood Lifeline

Hope Healing Joy

It may have been pre-written in my Family DNA.

Whilst I have a most fascinating ancestral story across the board, one genealogical line, my maternal-paternal ancestors heritage shows evidence of healing and pharmaceutical activities. The now Thuringian Pharmacy Museum Rosenthal in Germany dating back to the 16th century, is part of my Rosenthal & Heydrich ancestors where they were pioneers in that branch of healing. However, my healing, naturopathic, herbal, pharmaceutical line most likely goes back way, way beyond that. (Maybe even witches destroyed during the inquisition ... who knows ...)

If you are interested, you can read some highlights in my *science lineage*.

I followed in those footsteps from the natural science but also from the metaphysical and spiritual angle.

In 2010 I came across the Essential Oils distilled by Young Living. Essential Oils and natural healing arts, both from the herbal and energy psychology perspective were already part of my life for many, many years. I fell in love with the philosophy, vision & mission and the products of Young Living.

However, because my team leaders are all American, again with the highest of science credentials, all of which are PhDs, I had no connection here in the UK, where I live in London. In all transparency, I struggled with the business side of Young Living, not because of the frankly amazing compensation plan, but because the UK and Europe have quite different ways in operating, both regarding business, and health & wellness products due to more stringent European legalities. 

Navigating cultural nuances, preferences, and consumer behaviours specific to the British/European market, essential for health & wellness network marketing business success, became a challenge for me, especially as my American team leaders were not that familiar with them. Cultural nuances such as the subtle differences in values, beliefs, customs, and social norms that shape consumer behaviour and perceptions, plus the far tougher and stringent European health laws which make the American FDA almost feel easier.

On top of it, the UK has the National Health Service (NHS), where medicines and medical procedures are so subsidized that a fair amount is actually free. A lot of people here have the mindset that the easy reach of heavily subsidized pharmaceuticals is preferable to a balanced conscious wellness lifestyle.

I also shared the plight of many wellness and healing arts professionals at this stage in my life at this age,
Such as: 
Financial Insecurity:  not being able to retire due to lack of savings or investments, which can cause a lot of stress and anxiety.
Physical Exhaustion: As a wellness professional in the healing arts, our work can be physically demanding and finding it increasingly difficult to keep up with the physical demands of our job.
Lack of Time: We tend to be constantly working with little time for ourselves. This can lead to burnout and associated health issues.
Feeling Undervalued: Despite years of experience and expertise, often feel undervalued in our profession, leading to feelings of frustration and dissatisfaction .... and the list goes on.

I was already a member of the company Young Living Essential Oils. As explained in my *science lineage* , I was familiar with essential oils long before I was introduced to YL (Young Living).

As mentioned, I have a most wonderful American 'upline' in YL, Dr. Sharnael Wolverton-Sehon, a naturopathic ND;  Dr. David Stewart, a bio-chemist and quantum mechanics scientist; and Marcella Vonn Harting, PhD, Royal Crown Diamond with YL, and double PhD in Neuropsychology. So, the science side was covered, and from my own personal experience of the essential oils from YL, and the oils infused products, I knew they helped and supported me in every aspect of my being, mind, body and soul.

I finally aligned with two European RCDs (Royal Crown Diamond), a most loving heart-centered husband and wife team, to mentor me on the business side. Yes, I stayed faithful to my American upline, but now I also benefit from my Austrian cross-line friends, Vijay and Ulrike (Ulli) Churfürst Hanzal, who really thoroughly understand the different European cultural landscape, and how to grow the business against all odds.

So, what is the moral of my story, my raison d'etre, my dharma, for having given a second chance with life?
(Yes, I managed to die, had a NDE experience, and then was resuscitated, you can read all about that on my 'Meet Geli' Page.  

Well, I believe I am to be a catalyst for hope, healing and joy to those who are survival champions in this life, especially my Sisters of a similar or same age as me, and who are willing to work hard, being a coachable mentee, rather than giving up on life, moaning and grumbling how hard life is. If you choose to have a can-do attitude, and to become better in your wisdom age years, rather than bitter, then I will do my utmost for you to live YOUR dreams!

As mentioned above, I linked up with Ulli and Vijay (picture here of this amazing couple), Royal Crown Diamond leaders with Young Living, the first RCDs (Royal Crown Diamonds) in Europe, Vienna.

Their legendary training course “Train the Trainer” was born out of an attempt to grow even more as a team together and with even better support. This training not only made them successful in a very short period of time, but also made many of their great team members successful.

For over 20 years of their own lives, business and financial independence, constant development, hard work and their belief that they (and we) can make a difference, have been their constant pursuit. 

I heard that they went through many ups and downs. Ultimately, they were rewarded for their perseverance and enthusiasm with a wonderful, abundant life for themselves and their family, now serving as a role model for our Dream-Weavers team, too!

I have completed the various trainings, such as the "Train The Trainer". All of their training and mentoring is in German.

Born and raised in Germany, I am bi-lingual, and whatever I learn from my mentors, Vijay and Ulli, I translate into English. However, those of my partners who are in my team and who speak German, I gladly provide access to these two Austrian master minds!

Basically it is my desire that my partners, my Dream-Weavers team gets similar quality from me via the knowledge and experience of this powerful couple. As I mainly work in and from the UK, the most used language is English. When I can get Ulli and Vijay to come over here to do trainings, they will manage English well enough, however, as most is in German taught in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland, I will translate so that you won't miss out!

I will translate into English most of their courses and trainings. So, whilst they are my mentors and I am continuously learning and growing in the business just like you and with you, you will nonetheless get the experience and knowledge of two Royal Crown Diamonds. Whatever questions I can't answer you, I ask them for you and you will not miss out on your business growth. Together we can do it, even beyond the UK!

Please note: “Most Brand Partners only earn modest supplemental income. A Brand Partner’s income and earnings will depend on their individual diligence, work effort and market conditions. Young Living does not guarantee any earnings, income, or rank success”.


Oh, and here is a sneak view of the London, European Young Living Headquarters


 Seminars, Courses, Workshops & Trainings

 Have you ever done any professional training / certifications / degrees or diplomas specific to a job?

Maybe you have a MBA, or other business related training, yet the Network Marketing Industry has it's own 'syllabus' and training. 

Whilst the Network Marketing Industry is a global industry, the cultural nuances, preferences, and consumer behaviours specific to individual countries and nations need to be respected and learned in order to become successful.

Disregarding this has been a problem with a lot of people who joined and failed in the "MLM" business. Network Marketing is a service lead industry NOT a a predatory, quick money making greed scheme. We are dealing with people's lives, families, children in an unstable economic world.

We are dealing with supporting people's physical and mental health, and how sound wholesome nutrition together with toxic-chemical free products can enhance their lives to empower them to flourish and thrive in the fullness of their own capacity, to make the rest of their life the best of their life!

I am passionate to educate both in the European style Network Marketing business with ethical principles and integrity in this specific industry, as well as guidance on wellness matters, both physical and psychological/mental wellness wise.

You have the opportunity to personally take part in one of our seminars and events, online and offline, where we will set the course for your future together and give you detailed training in a variety of our products. 

Are you new to our team and want to be successful? What are you waiting for? We look forward to seeing you.

"You don't build a business - you serve people,
and then people build the business ...
You only win when you help others win ...
You can have everything in life you want, 
if you will just help other people get what they want." 
~Zig Ziglar



Geli has co-authored a "Chicken Soup for the Soul" style book.

She is one of several published authors in this heartwarming and uplifting book about hope inspiring aspects of Network Marketing.

It's a perfect cozy feel-good read, either curled up with a steaming hot cup of cocoa, or relaxing by the pool. 

(P.S. My website and email address printed in the book is no longer in use)


ID : 1186737

Aroma Wellness-Focused Lifestyle in Your Wisdom Years
Angelika (Geli) Heimann
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 7956463468

Copyrights © 2024 held by respective copyright holders, including Angelika (Geli) Heimann and Aroma Wellness in Your Wisdom Years