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Aroma Wellness in Your Wisdom Years - Simplify & Elevate Your Joyful Magical Everyday - WELCOME
feel good ~ self-care ~ conscious living for your wisdom years

practical ways to celebrate the mysteries and wonders
of your magical EVERYDAY in this season of your life

Welcome to a Heart-Centered Journey Tailored Especially for
Phenomenal Sage Women in Their 60s++

    You are invited to embrace the mysteries and wonders of your wisdom years, together we explore your own path and discoveries through a unique approach to conscious living and holistic energy psychology together with pure, vibrationally active essential oils.

      Navigating the golden chapter of life brings its own set of unique challenges, yet also presents a profound opportunity for deep self-discovery and growth.

     Whether it's managing physical health, finding new purpose after retirement, becoming a 'New-Retirement Lifestyle Entrepreneur', coping with loneliness, or seeking inner peace amidst life's changes, we are here to support you every step of the way.

Our practical, heartfelt strategies are designed to help you ...

  • Rediscover Inner Peace: Through conscious living, mindful presence and emotional clearing, let go of past burdens and embrace the serenity of the present moment.
  • Cultivate Authentic Relationships: Learn to connect deeply with loved ones and form meaningful new bonds based on true, conscious connections.
  • Enhance Self-Care Routines: Prioritize your well-being with nurturing self-care practices that honour your body, mind, and spirit.
  • Embrace a Life of Purpose: Find clarity and new passions that align with your inner values and joy, making your every day truly magical.
  • Embark on an Unfolding Adventure into Home-Based Business: Create some additional income to give you potential financial independence, and be part of a community of 'New-Retirement Lifestyle Entrepreneurs.
You are invited to fully, and unreservedly celebrate the wisdom years of your life with grace, mindfulness, and joy. Our solutions are here to help you feel good, integrate self-care seamlessly into your life, and live consciously in every moment.

Join us in transforming your ordinary every day into your personal best extraordinary life, yet, living authentically and aligning your actions with your true self,  being fully in the present moment of your Magical Everyday, as true peace and happiness are found in the Now.

Step into your full potential, simplify a complex and overwhelming life living full-out with no regrets!

Wisdom-Age Joy Sage Elders,
Harmonizing Hearts, Inspiring Journeys, Empowering Souls, Crafting Dreams


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All of the Blog Posts are colour coded into overall categories:

Deep Cherry Red - Sage Living Lifestyle Blog Posts

Summery Turquoise Green - Food & Drink (Geli's Kitchen)

Fragrant Violet - Aroma Home Business Tips and Training (Home Biz Academy)

Luscious Sensuous Pink - Tao-Tantric Tips for the Platinum Couple (Journey Of Intimacy)

latest thoughts, musings & tips:

(all categories are colour coded for your convenience as seen on the ***START HERE*** page)


The information presented here is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, prescribe or treat any health or psychotherapeutic condition and should not be used as a substitute for consulting with a professional health care provider. 


ID : 1186737

Aroma Wellness in Your Wisdom Years - Simplify & Elevate Your Magical Everyday
Angelika (Geli) Heimann
London, N/A N/A
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 7956463468

Copyrights © 2024 held by respective copyright holders, including Aroma Wellness in Your Wisdom Years - Simplify & Elevate Your Magical Everyday.