Dear WiseWoman,

Welcome to this page dedicated to us
age-positive elders
who shine our light and carry the torch of hope to future generations. 

         Welcome to the sacred path of joyful flourishing! *👇

Let me start with a quote by Donna Ashworth:

by Donna Ashworth

"I don’t have crow’s feet,
I have happy happy memories of laughing with friends until the tears flowed.
I don’t have frown lines,
I have the marks of my frustration and confusion, which I battled through, smiling in the end.
I am not going grey,
I have shimmering highlights of wisdom, dashed throughout my silver hair.
I don’t have scars,
I have symbols of the strength I was able to find, when life got tough.
I don’t have stretch marks,
I have the marks of growth and the marks of motherhood. My womanly evolution.
I am not fat,
I bear the evidence of a life filled with abundance, blessings and good times.
I am not just forgetful,
I have a mind so full of stories, memories and moments there is scarce room to hold much else.
I am not old,
I am blessed, with a life of great length, something not everyone can say.
Don’t change the way you look my friend,
change the way you see,
change the way you see."
~Donna Ashworth 

My Glorious Sisters of a Certain Age

let us come fully out of hiding, authentically redefining ourselves,
awaken and embody the wise, beautiful, loving, sensuous crones that we are,
as well as the leaders of our new economy.

You are healers, my sisters, skilfully weaving science, metaphysics, spirituality, practical experiences, into loving, leading and guiding this world into New Wealth … not defined by greed, but by compassion, not torn apart by patriarchal competition, but by collaborating with one another, honouring the divine feminine and the divine masculine.

You have known it deeply inside of you for a very long time. You have done the soul work, you have done the inner stuff, the healing, the courses, it is time to step out and shine.

It’s time to break out of the cultural conditioning of self sacrifice and being invisible – never really having chosen yourself.

It’s time to break out of limiting financial autonomy, and step by step become the sovereign sage elder you were created to be for such a time as this!

You see, patriarchy fears the crone, for she represents a completely different kind of power than what we have seen alive in the world so far. Times are changing!

Your authentic crone power is mysterious, internal, intuitive, divine, and fierce.

“Crone” means crown; it is a precious, beautiful word reserved for a woman moving into and thru the third stage of female being.
Hag, (hagia) a holy or wise woman,
Witch – the wise one.

The radiant, luminous “crone” woman. During ancient times, the crones, hags and witches were frequently sages, leaders, midwives and healers (—basically the bringers and preservers of life) in their communities and were revered for their wisdom and knowledge.

As history evolved and a patriarchal society took hold, the definitions of the crone, (the crowned one) the hag, (the holy one), and the witch (the wise one) were distorted.
May we again respect and honour their wisdom.

Your Enchanting Divine Feminine

"Reality lies in the greatest enchantment
you have ever experienced"
                                 ~ Hugo von Hofmannsthal

The goddess is alive and well.
From ages of old to her reawakening in the modern world, take a deep dive into the magic and mystery of the divine feminine.

Your magic lamp? ...
Yes you have one ...

But it is hidden within, and you can only perceive and find it, if you become still and allow yourself to enter the magic cave of your inner sanctuary.

You may notice that your magic lamp needs "rubbing off" some debris collected over a lifetime obscuring your divine essence, the real you.

Then the magic happens, the inner oil is lit shining in the darkness, illuminating your true self connected to true Source, and everything beautiful is possible in great abundance.

Your wishes and desires are one with your eternal purpose as to why you are experiencing your reality.

Once you really 'see' your divine essence desires, your wishes are granted, it is done.

Enter and BE in your wishes fulfilled.

Isn't it time to Be in the flow on your magic carpet for a whole new world?

Joyful blessings,

... just in case you're wondering, yes, archetypes are used throughout my work, enjoy ♥
Enchanting * Whimsical * Dreamy * Nurturing * Healing * Uplifting * Mystical ... and yet science based ...

~ Your Soul Space, Goddess ~  

The Science and Art of Healing & Flourishing
Exploring Archetypes, Magic Realism, Spirituality and Quantum Science
with Playfulness and Reverence

“Women grow radical with age.
One day an army of grey-haired women may quietly take over the earth.”

~ Gloria Steinem
“This time belongs to
the Sacred Feminine Elder.
She’s arriving into the greatest time of her life.
Creativity is blossoming, even exploding within her. Everything now enters her crucible as wisdom.
She’s never felt more free than now and she’s never felt more empowered than now to be all of herself.
She has no image to safeguard.
She has a reservoir of energy like never before.
She’s the wise teacher our planet needs now.
She’s holding vital information.
She’s becoming the elder
co-creating with others in divine sisterhood.”
~ Sukhvinder Sircar


Your Mental Well-Being

Angelika (Geli) Heimann, and this website, is committed to offer a clear distinction between Mental Wellness/Wellbeing and Mental Health Disorders! 

Throughout this website and all connected social media accounts, please be aware that we strongly emphasize that Mental Wellness/ Mental Wellbeing is a holistic state of MENTAL/EMOTIONAL FLOURISHING that should not be equated to or confused with Mental Health Disorders.

If you or someone you know is grappling with any mental health challenges like depression, contemplations of self-harm, or beyond, reach out promptly to a qualified medical professional for immediate assistance. 

Your well-being is what matters most, and seeking support is a courageous step toward a brighter and healthier future.

The information presented here is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, prescribe or treat any health or psychotherapeutic condition and should not be used as a substitute for consulting with a professional health care provider. 


ID : 1186737

Aroma Wellness Later-Life Flourishing Lifestyle
Angelika (Geli) Heimann
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 7956463468

Copyrights © 2024 held by respective copyright holders, including Angelika (Geli) Heimann and Aroma Wellness in Your Wisdom Years