simply feel good
loving your wonderful,
magical everyday

insights for living well & flourishing after 50

empowering soul essence, harmonizing hearts, inspiring journeys,
crafting new memories & dreams,
uplevelling meaningful personal growth,

and reimagining an *Income Producing Profitable New-Style-Retirement*,
with a "Sacred Business" 
whilst living your best life in your wisdom and later years! 

           Isn't it time to live out the dreams you may have put on hold and take back control creating a life that is of your own making, and thrive ... to live more, love more, earn more, and experience your next wonderful life-chapter adventure? .... without compromising your your freedom, your resources and time with your loved ones, your meaningful relationships, and autonomy to live your values to the fullest!

Welcome to a community of
wise-women and those who love them; 
a community of enlightened torchbearers 

sharing wisdom and light,
inspiring purpose, health and abundance
in the NOW and the best years to come!

As we're getting older in an often unforgiving and increasingly harsh world around us, it is easy loose our joie-de-vivre.  

  Being in my 70's now, I remember well how just a few decades ago my outlook to life was quite different. At 50 I went back to University and earned two degrees in psychology, one being a masters degree, and toying with the idea of achieving a PhD, as well. Well, why not, after all we live forever, no?

Over time, I watched people, especially women, around me gradually loose their spark, becoming invisible, secretly struggling with finances in all the various economic down-turns, the global pandemic, loosing or divorcing partners, and the list goes on.

Plus the ever present worry of mental health, cognitive decline, and physical wellness. Too many of my Sisters are scared of getting older, and would they outlive their scarce bit of money ... who would look after them if God forbid they fell ill or wind up with dementia? Kids have their own life, often having moved far away.
Will we, the proud and wild generation of boomer women scrape through the rest of our life poorer than ever, settling with unacceptable situations and lifestyle, and then die lonely with unfulfilled dreams?

I believe there is hope!
It is not too late for genuine meaningful friendships, relationships,
unfolding of enlightened paths to joy, passion, sacred sexuality, and love. 
And yes, you are allowed to dream again ... later-life romance is totally possible!

On this website you will encounter an opportunity to embrace "Sacred Business". For many of my 'Sisters' this conveys a sense of reverence for the field of entrepreneurial business, sacred purpose, and spiritual connection to the work being done with passion and integrity, aligning well with the values and vision of an age positive wellness business. 

What better than being able to increase our monthly budget to live healthier with wellness boosting natural products, being able to buy quality foods, ethically sourced, being able to look after ourselves with necessary self-care pampering, such as  wellness massages, etc. .... or being able to buy grandkids a better education, or just the gifts they are dreaming of?

You see, whilst we grow in our personal evolution for a happier and healthier life (yes even at our age!), together with expanding our conscious awareness within the mind body spirit realm, it is also time to rise in our financial sovereignty, powerfully and gracious fully aligned with our divine purpose. 

exhale and be ...

take time for yourself 

to make Your Everyday a little bit more special and magical  ... 
today, tomorrow ... always!

Celebrating Your Divine Feminine Energy
through harnessing the power of essential oils
to awaken your spirit and radiant wellbeing emotions.

Helping you craft the rest of your life to be
the best of your life!

Creating your uniquely desired time-freedom-choice experience & boost age-positive vitality, mind and brain wellness,

 expanding into new levels of consciousness,
and flourishing in all aspects of your life!

Empowering you on your wellness journey,
whilst you build your dreams,

... as you connect with your inner self and goddess essence,
fostering heartfelt Sisterhood Circle communities of 
aroma artisan dream builders in a Sacred Business of Your making!

Discover our selection of essential oils        - especially the secret 'go-to' when you're looking for a natural pick-me-up solution to an upset of any kind ...

and you're spoilt for choice with a whole huge variety gamut of totally natural, all oils infused wellness products,
as well as our different holistic courses, 
fun workshops and training programs.

Such as creating your own signature perfumes, 

      that not only smell divine, but also give you a wellness boost, 

    making you feel on top of the world and deliciously
sensual, putting a smile on your face - and who knows who else ;)  ....

     tackling your day with confidence ....

Don't know where to start?
Here's a perfect way for getting started in the world of essential oils and natural supplements!

(* All prices shown include VAT. Shipping charges not included.)

Total value: £314.47
Selling price: £206.76

Feelings Kit

Retail: £260.36
Wholesale: £197.88

Total Value: £367.92
Selling Price: £197.21

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Filler text. Please replace with your own text.

Retail: £172.90
Wholesale: £131.40

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Retail: £204.40
Wholesale: £155.3

"Aroma Feel-Good for the Soul"
An Introductory Holistic Insight E-Book to
Emotional Wellbeing
with Essential Oils 

Get your e-book and subscribe to our newsletter. Stay informed and receive regular updates for events and tips.

This website 
is dedicated to radical self-love
and the art of extreme self-care, mental wellness, creating greater abundance for those who wish to add an additional source of income, and
connecting with other like-minded women
in a growing community ....



Probably you are a bit like me having reached a certain age, we are kind of quite multifaceted and multi passionate women, having acquired skills and life experiences over the years, and hopefully wisdom, as well.
But, even more than just skills, we have learned to dive deep in sometimes undesired territory. We have emerged with greater strengths and resilience, we have become who we are today, often despite it all!

That is not to say that we wouldn't benefit from having a close friend or mentor to walk along side to create the best of life for the rest of our life. I wish to be that for you. It is the reason why I created this website. And truthfully, we all would soar higher if we linked arms together!

There is a lot to explore on this website. You may like to check out the ***Start Here*** page, which is more like a general index of what you are likely to find here.

Clearly you'll also get to know me more, such as I am a happy grandma, have two little Mi-Ki breed dogs, and I love hedgehogs (yeah, those little hogs have become a bit of a 'mascot' here ...are you going to find them all ... they are known to hide, appearing unexpectedly with a little nose twitching snuffle ...)

Geli x

      Together, Dreams Come True!


Become a dream builder
Be the legacy torchbearer carrying
YOUR Light of hope 
in times of darkness,
igniting the fire within others and inspiring positive change!


Step into your power in the best part of your life
Success and happiness have no expiration date
Leave the world a little better than you found it!

We founded the
    'The New-Retirement' Lifestyle Entrepreneurs, Coaches & Post-Career Mentors, Later-Life Consultants, Therapists, Self-employed Transformational Leaders, Trainers, Healers, Conscious Experts, Spiritual Teachers, Change-Agents,

     and anyone else in their 'Wisdom-Years' looking for a new opportunity to develop their  highest level of the *MAGNIFICENT YOU* in their personal growth,

as well as the opportunity to create Multiple-Streams of Income to supplement their New-Retirement lifestyle in health, wellness, and purpose.


“Together, we all play a role in being change agents to make our world better.”


Please note: “Most Brand Partners only earn modest supplemental income. A Brand Partner’s income and earnings will depend on their individual diligence, work effort and market conditions. Young Living does not guarantee any earnings, income, or rank success”.


Seed to Seal

With its three pillars - sourcing, science and standards - Seed to Seal stands for unsurpassing quality and pure products.


The Young Living Foundation has been very active in UK, Europe, Vietnam, Africa, Equator, Nepal, etc. You can see more here >>, plus loads of videos here >>here >>, however, personally my heart is in the work that Young Living does with "Hope for Justice"

The Foundation's administrative and operational costs are 100% covered by the Young Living Essential Oils corporation, ensuring your contributions go directly to our partners and projects to provide a direct impact on those who need it most.

There is more than one way you can give back and support the Foundation,
either by a donation, or
by 'Round Up' when you buy your products.

latest thoughts, musings & tips:

(all categories are colour coded for your convenience as seen on the ***START HERE*** page)


The information presented here is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, prescribe or treat any health or psychotherapeutic condition and should not be used as a substitute for consulting with a professional health care provider. 

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