Ty’ Breizh – Fishmonger Restaurant at Argelès-sur-Mer
Woohoo! It’s the last leg of the long drive to Argelès-sur-Mer, day three.
After a reasonably decent night sleep and a good strong French coffee for breakfast, it’s back on the road again.
As much as I love the picturesque provincial villages and towns nestled in vineyards upon vineyards it’s time to get myself on the French Autoroutes with their famous tolls.
As much as I love the picturesque provincial villages and towns nestled in vineyards upon vineyards it’s time to get myself on the French Autoroutes with their famous tolls.

Yes, they are not cheap by all means, however, they are more direct thus save some fuel costs. As my route takes me almost diagonally across France and then South, that is a consideration. Also, the French Autoroutes have plenty of service stations with restaurants.

Now the long stretches of straight French roads became even straighter … it seemed. Fair dues, there were some bends occasionally, some patches of trees and more cars ever so often. However they did not get on my picture collection.
Travelling at higher speeds meant greater focus and concentration then on the charming country roads. I started noticing that my driving resilience is no longer what it was. Sure, having over 50 years of driving experience in various countries and continents does help, but I after last year’s heart operation and intervention procedures due to a cardiac arrest and now living with a pacemaker, life is not quite the same anymore.
Driving all day in a foreign country on the other side of the road with a right-hand drive vehicle without any sleep naps, I was grateful that I had plenty of natural power drinks with me, which also help cognitive alertness without the caffeine jitters, keeping my nerves calm when some drivers did try to cut me up on occasional busier stretches.

The French Autoroutes service stations are certainly worth mentioning! Compared to UK motorway caffs, usually presenting McDonald’s, KFC Kentucky Fried Chicken, and the like, The French services had remarkably different foods. From fresh baguettes with delicious fillings to steak cooked right in front of you. I opted for medium rare sirloin steak with salad. What a difference!
Whilst I enjoyed one of my power drink sachets, I also could admire a classic vintage Citroën being transported on a trailer.

So, getting closer to the destination now!
Next is finding the hotel, getting changed out of my driving clothes, then find the seafood restaurant which my son, Titus had already booked. It’s actually a fishmonger restaurant, meaning you can either buy freshly caught fish or sit down for a nosh.
It’s been way too long to see my down-under kids and grandkids! I can hardly wait anymore!
But I must say, this was a long drive and I was pretty wiped out!

Very happy reunion, long lingering bear hugs all the way round … and oh my, haven’t those little boys grown since I last saw them!!

Daughter Charis ordered oysters and all sorts of other seafood, and shellfish goodies. There was plenty of food, love and laughter.

At the end of the evening I was very grateful that Titus decided to drive my car back to the hotel, and Rose, his wife drove theirs. Yes, not trying to be a hero, but I was wiped out after three days of driving.
Tomorrow will be day four with the practice wedding run at the Château de Valmy.
Till then, joyful blessings,