A good stock or bone broth is essential for a great base for an amazing nutritious soup, gravies, casseroles, etc.
Plus, it’s so simple to make!
Ingredients and Method:

I will not give exact measurements, as you may choose to have different end results, smaller or larger pot, etc.
My crock-pot, slow cooker has 2.4Liter capacity and I pretty much filled it to the top with the ingredients.
First, you want to put your meat bones in, beef bones or chicken carcass … actually you can also use large fish bones, head etc.
If you are using fish, ask your fish monger for the cut offs. Most people buy their fish asking the fish monger to cut off the heads and tails. They make beautiful fish stock.
In the end you strain the fish bones through a fine sieve, so you won’t have all the bits and pieces.
When it comes to other meats, I am not too keen on pork bones (unless you want to use the stock for something like a ham and pea soup, or a ham and lentil casserole). Lamb has definitely too strong a flavour and can be way too fatty, too.
I go to an Irish family butcher who sells free range and organic meats. I tend to ask him for either beef marrow bones or chicken carcass. He kindly cuts the pieces really small.
So, put the bones of whatever choice into your crock pot, then add vegetables. I chose here carrots, onions, celery, and parsnips.
Next add some fresh herbs of your choice.
I used parsley, rosemary, bay leaves, thyme, sage.
If you are making a fish stock you can also use some fresh dill and fennel.
If you use essential oils instead of fresh herbs, please be extremely careful with the amount.
These oils are so potent and highly concentrated that for the herb oils you really only want to swirl in a tip of a toothpick full. Believe me, I made that mistake, even ONE drop is too much (!) … and my soup tasted medicinal rather delicious.
A tooth pick full of oil is enough and scrummy yummy and beautifull brings out the herb flavour.
You can be a bit more generous with the citrus oils, and also lemongrass.
Also add some black pepper.
I personally love adding some essential oils, in particular lime and lemongrass. As you can see from the picture, it has “Food Supplement” on the label, thus you can safely use this in your cooking!
Enjoy the little How-To video I recorded for you, below. (The video is quite a few years old, but the how-to contents is still relevant)
Enjoy your own beautiful nutritious stock.