The other day my dear friend Simone invited me over to spend a lovely afternoon and evening with her. Ever the outstanding hostess and brilliant chef, she produced this delicious tomato soup from fresh ingredients. It was totally amazing. So tonight I decided to cook it lest I forget how she did it. I added a few other ingredients and did some small short-cuts to make it really simple, in fact you can use any autumnal veggies and play around with it.
Unfortunately the battery of my camera was dead, so I used my iPhone to take the pictures. The soup is delicious and quickly made … definitely a winner!
Right, here are the ingredients I used:
Butternut squash, pumpkin or whatever you find at your greengrocer’s
Onions, several
Sweet Potatoes (baked)
Mixed Dried Herbs
Fresh Parsley
Fresh Basil
Chicken Stock Cubes
Marmite / Vegimite (one heaped teaspoon)
Tomato Puree
Sea Salt and Black Pepper to season
Pinch of sugar
Cream or soured cream or just a splurge of olive oil
Onions, several
Sweet Potatoes (baked)
Mixed Dried Herbs
Fresh Parsley
Fresh Basil
Chicken Stock Cubes
Marmite / Vegimite (one heaped teaspoon)
Tomato Puree
Sea Salt and Black Pepper to season
Pinch of sugar
Cream or soured cream or just a splurge of olive oil
Bring a saucepan of water to boil and add stock cubes and dried herbs. Chop up the butternut squash or whatever you have plus the carrots, onions and fresh parsley and add it to the the boiling chicken stock and let it cook till the hard root veggies are soft.
Mean while either roast the sweet potatoes or take some previously roasted sweet potatoes.
The tomatoes need to be blanched and the skin taken off. You can either do it the traditional way of pouring some boiling water over them, or dump them into the soup mix. Once you see the skin lifting, take them out and peel the skin and discard the tomato vine stems. Then add the peeled tomatoes back into the soup.
Scoup out the flesh of the sweet potato and add it to the mix.
Add the basil leaves, crushed garlic and mix everything with an electric stick blender.
Now add the remaining ingredients according to taste.
Enjoy your soup with a glass of wine and some hot crusty garlic bread. Stir in soured cream, ordinary cream or olive oil. Simone served the soup with heaps of freshly grated Parmesan cheese, which was beautiful!